Writer and editor. Co-founder of the magazine and publishing house Males Herbes.
As a writer, he has published the novels Afores (Edicions de 1984, 2017) and Crònica d’un delicte menor (L’Albí, 2012), the book of poems Òsties (Adia edicions, 2017) and a handful of short stories and articles published in different fanzines, magazines and anthologies. He teaches the seminar Clàssics fora del cànon (Classics outside the canon; on non-realist Catalan literature) at the Bloom school of literature, and has recently edited and written the prologue to the book of short stories Savis, bojos i difunts (El conte decadentista a catalunya entre el 1895 i el 1930). He also sings in the punk groups FP and Matagalls. He has a degree in philosophy, but doesn’t know what to do with it.