Lecturer in Social Anthropology at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU), she is a reference in Spain in the domains of anthropology and feminist activism.
With a degree in Medicine from the University of the Basque Country and a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Barcelona, she researches in an area around the intersection of feminist anthropology and anthropology of the body, health and the emotions. She has extensively explored the way women understand their own health and their experience with family planning centres and has published several academic studies in this domain. She has written several books, notable amongst which are Antropología del cuerpo: Género, itinerarios corporales, identidad y cambio (Anthropology of the Body: Gender, Bodily Itineraries, Identity and Change, Edicions Bellaterra, 2004) and Crítica del pensamiento amoroso (Critique of Amorous Thinking, Edicions Bellaterra, 2011). She has also published the collection of poems La mort de la meva mare em va fer més lliure (My Mother’s Death Made Me Freer, Pol·len, 2016) and an essay on contemporary transformations in feminist policies in the Basque Country, Feminismoa eta politikaren eraldaketak (Susa-Lisipe, 2017, which is to be published in Catalan by Pol·len after September 2019), as well as editing with Jone M. Hernández the jointly-authored book Etnografías feministas. Una mirada al siglo XXI desde la antropología vasca (Feminist Ethnographies: A Look at the Twenty-First Century from Basque Anthropology, Edicions de Bellaterra, 2018). Since 1980, she has been combining research with her participation in different feminist initiatives, for example the Basauri Women’s Group.