Researcher and curator, specialising in culture, design and technology. He is one of the founding partners of ZZZINC, a cultural research and innovation studio.
José Luis de Vicente is a cultural researcher and curator specialized in culture, design and technology. He is one of the founders of ZZZINC, a cultural research and innovation studio based in Barcelona. Currently, he is the curator of Sónar+D, the innovation division of Sónar Festival, and a member of the content team for the FutureEverything Festival in Manchester. He has directed the Visualizar Data Culture Program at Medialab Prado in Madrid since 2007. He regularly writes about technology and culture in many media outlets and has participated in events such as Ars Electronica (Linz), Vimeo Festival (New York), Transmediale (Berlin), Lift (Geneva) and Picnic (Amsterdam), among many others.