Enric Senabre

Researcher at Dimmons (Digital Commons Research Group at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute – Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) and guest Researcher at the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (ACDH-ÖAW).

He holds a Master’s degree in the Information and Knowledge Society from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia – UOC), where he is a collaborating lecturer in multimedia studies. He is a member of the Platoniq collective and of the founding team at Goteo.org, a collective funding platform for open projects. He is assistant director of the Observatori per a la CiberSocietat (Observatory for the Cybersociety), where he has managed projects such as the 4th Cybersociety Congress.

He previously worked as coordinator of the City and Collaboration area at Citilab-Cornellà and as coordinator of online contents of the Infonomia network. He has also implemented eLearning projects and open education resources for various institutions, such as the Catalan Government and the Mozilla Foundation.


Towards a Data Commons

Enric Senabre | Mayo Fuster Morell

Implications for the whole of society of the data policies of collaborative economy platforms.