David Casacuberta is a Professor of the Philosophy of Science at UAB. His current line of research focuses on the cognitive and social impact of ICTs, a subject on which he has published several books and articles.
He is a member of the Barcelona Bioinformatics Regulation, Security, and Ethics working group, and of the GEHUCT (Humanistic Studies in Science and Technology) consolidated research group. He is also co-director of the MA in Design and Internet Web Project Direction at ELISAVA, and teaches in several cultural management, contemporary art theory, and digital technology design postgraduate programmes.
David Casacuberta was awarded the Epson Foundation’s Eusebi Colomer prize for the best essay on the social, anthropological, philosophical or ethical aspects of the new technological society with his book Creación colectiva. He also won first prize in the Ingenio 400 competition organised by the Ministry of Culture and the SEEC for the best net.art work with X-Reloaded (in collaboration with Marco Bellonzi).