Specialist in innovation in the public sector. Co-founder of “Administraciones en red” (online administrations network) and promoter of “Open Data Euskadi”.
Alberto Ortiz de Zárate is an expert in public sector innovation. He is a consultant, speaker, and teacher in the fields of open government, open data, public innovation, e-government, intra-entrepreneurship, Health 2.0, and Web 2.0. Since 2013 he has been working as an in(ter)dependent professional under the brand “alorza.net” and as senior consultant for the World Bank. In 2005 he founded the influential blog on public administration “Adminstraciones en red“. From 2009 to 2013 he was director of citizen services for the Basque government, with a key role in its open government projects. In 2009 he laid the groundwork for it’s Open Data policy, and in 2010 he launched Open Data Euskadi (opendata.euskadi.net), the first open public data portal outside of the English-speaking world. From 2004 to 2009 he was project manager at the Basque government?s administrative modernisation office.