Writer and journalist specialising in the performing arts.
He has published, among others, the literary essay Un món esbucat. Joan Alcover i Mallorca (3i4, 2019), the novels El port. No serà res de mi (Moll, 2010) and Continents (Empúries, 2016), the musical essay Putos himnes generacionals (Empúries, 2015) and the books of poetry Un dia a l’infern dels que són (La Magrana, 2011), Diari de Buenos Aires (Moll, 2007), Aquí i ara (El Gall, 2007) and Carrer dels dies (Proa, 2012) and ‘Felanitx’ (Edicions 62, 2020). His poems have been translated into Spanish, French, Romanian and Serbo-Croat. And he has translated works by Cioran and Apollinaire.