Andreu Escrivà

Researcher and science communicator.

Andreu Escrivà (Valencia, 1983) holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science, a Master’s in Ecosystem Conservation and a PhD in Biodiversity. He has worked as a researcher at the Desertification Research Centre (CIDE) and at the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology (ICBiBE), and as a consultant in sustainability and communication. He has published several scientific articles in specialist journals and sat on the Panel of Experts in Climate Change of the Community of Valencia from 2016 to 2017. He is also a science communicator and contributes to various press, radio and television outlets. He was awarded the 22nd “Estudi General” European Award for Scientific Dissemination for the book Encara no és tard: claus per entendre i frenar el canvi climàtic (It’s not yet too late: keys to understanding and stopping climate change. Bromera, 2017; published in Spanish by the PUV in 2018) and has recently published Y ahora yo qué hago: cómo evitar la culpa climática y pasar a la acción (And what do I do now: how to avoid climate guilt and take action. Capitán Swing, 2020; published in Catalan by Sembra in 2021). He works at the València Clima i Energia municipal foundation, where he heads the Climate Change Observatory.