Maria Climent Huguet
A Christmas story, a journey back to the roots and to the family, a regression in the midst of the absurdity of everyday life...
Fail again. Fail epic
Valentina Tanni
Digital culture is reappropriating error and failure and using it as a critique of the prevailing aesthetic canons.
A museum “in-between”
Susana Arias
Notes for a mediation programme which places the emphasis on openness and listening, participation, the creation of networks and proximity.
Alana Portero: “Cynicism is reactionary”
Berta Gómez Santo Tomás
The Madrid-born writer talks to us about pain, cynicism, nostalgia and hope, about stories that fall outside of literary pigeonholes.
Science and Spirit in the Attention Economy
Juan Insua
Towards an open, systematic and fluid questioning of the ways in which we understand and make worlds.
Lea Ypi: “My idea of freedom is a moral idea”
Bashkim Shehu
The Albanian philosopher and writer reflects on freedom and analyses its limits in communist and capitalist societies.
Did Calvino Dream of Literary Androids?
Carlos A. Scolari
The Italian writer explored the narrative as a combinatorial process and anticipated the functioning of generative artificial intelligence systems.
The double life of artificial intelligence
Marta Peirano
On automata, symbolic models, neural networks and machine learning: a brief history of AI.
First of all, how are the machines doing?
Ezequiel Soriano
Can we imagine machine creativity without falling into the trap of the modern idea of innovation and originality?
School of Humility or the New Depths
Juan Insua
We delve into three great abysses of the unknown – outer space, the depths of the sea and the enigmas of the human mind.
Francisco J. Doblas Reyes: “Limiting the impacts of global warming is in our hands”
Elisenda Pallarés Piquer
The climate scientist and IPCC author says that measures exist to mitigate climate change and transition to fairer societies.
Artificial Emotion
Ferran Esteve
As the physical and digital worlds converge, new types of emotional relationships are emerging between humans and machines.