

I Am Not Your Periphery

Karo Moret

The identities of the African diaspora and how in Europe, relations with otherness continue to be built under the social categories of race and gender.


World Siliconization

Éric Sadin

The irresistible expansion of digital liberalism points towards regulating, for the sole purpose of benefit, the course of life through algorithms.


Towards a New Design Atlas

Efraín Foglia

Social and industrial changes in recent decades are urging a reconsideration of design typologies, with a re-reading for the current era.


The Quantum Sense II: Paradoxes

Marta García-Matos

In the history of quantum physics, three types of paradoxes exist: those that challenge classical physics, those that challenge intuition and common sense, and those that challenge quantum physics itself.


Next Stop: City Station

Núria Jar

The exhibition “After the End of the World” spreads out over the city of Barcelona through diverse citizen science actions that aim to improve the city’s environmental health.