

The Women Men Don’t See

Ricard Ruiz Garzón

Among the authors who most helped to renew science fiction in the 20th century was James Tiptree Jr.: the pseudonym of a woman, like those who today are leading the revolution of the genre.


Martian cartoon strips

Jose Valenzuela Ruiz

Through comics, we analyse the evolution of our view of the Red Planet: from a territory to be conquered, to a reflection of our own nature.



Luxury communism and automation

Ekhi L. de la Granja

Is a world possible where robots do everything, while we simply enjoy life? We consider how automation will affect us, based on the book “Fully Automated Luxury Communism. A Manifesto” by Aaron Bastani.



Anna Pacheco | Efraín Foglia | Felipe G. Gil | Irene Solà | Jorge Carrión | Libby Heaney | Liliana Arroyo | Maria Callís Cabrera | Estampa

We asked different authors to take a free, textual, no-links approach to the idea of disconnection and technology addiction.


Rereading Debord

Ingrid Guardiola

A look at today’s hyperconnected society of social media, cognitive capitalism and algorithms through the lens of the work of Guy Debord.


What if the Internet were an ally of linguistic diversity?

Carlos Bajo

Some 54% of the contents on the Internet are in English. We wonder about the rest of the languages, taking as a starting point the case of the African continent, where a third of the world’s languages are spoken and cultural activists take advantage of the digital environment to defend it.