Daniel Burrus. The Internet of Things Is Far Bigger Than Anyone Realizes (Wired, 2014)
Dave Evans. The Internet of Things How the Next Evolution of the Internet Is Changing Everything (CISCO, 2011)
David Pierce. The Internet of Things Is Everywhere, But It Doesn’t Rule Yet (Wired, 2015)
Gartner Says Smart Cities Will Use 1.6 Billion Connected Things in 2016 (Gartner, 2015)
Internet of Things (CISCO, 2016)
IoT Company Ranking | Q3/Q4 2015 (IoT Analytics, 2015)
The Internet of Things (The New York Times, 2014)
The Internet of Things: Sizing up the opportunity (McKinsey, 2014)
The Internet of Things Is Poised to Change Everything, Says IDC (Business Wire, 2013)
The top 10 IoT application areas – based on real IoT projects (IoT Analytics, 2016)
Top 20 IoT companyies | Q2/2015 update (IoT Analytics, 2015)
Unlocking the potential of the Internet of Things (Mckinsey, 2015)
(*) Some of the icons used were created by Freepik and Madebyolive from
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